up to age 6

Get ready for some fun with your little one playing Sparkabilities COLOR GAMES activity! From babies to toddlers to preschoolers, there's something for all ages with 3 levels of play.
LEVEL 1 | BABIES - up to 18 months
This level is an introduction to colors. Seeing the color & hearing you name the color is passive learning for our youngest audience. Your child listens and observes to learn the colors. Did you know that color perception develops between 6-8 weeks? You can start introducing and naming colors within the first couple of months after birth! By 18 months, most children can name colors. *NEVER leave your child alone with small objects.
LEVEL 2 | TODDLERS - up to 3 years
Level 2 demonstrates 3 different games for matching colors. Most children can match colors around 24 months! Using different tools for this game helps develop fine motor skills and as language skills develop you can move from one word, to two words to phrases as you play.
LEVEL 3 | PRE K & KINDERS - up to 6 years
The color games get trickier with the introduction of a matrix for play! Navigating rows and columns is essential to academic success and matrix work is a pre-cursor to algebraic reasoning. Have fun with this game using the ideas as a jumping off point for exploring math and language skills!
Sparkabilities is powered by the PlayWisely developmental play system. Learn more about the PlayWisely membership program by visiting for weekly lessons and activities.
MUSIC by Nicolas Jackson